Repeatable Editorial Franchises

Role: Art Director & Web Designer

REFs or “Repeatable Editorial Franchises” are a way for all channels to align on the marketing stories Vistaprint shared with customers during any given time. By designing the campaign, product and web branding of a product we can kept a consistent story and look across multiple communications. The “REFs” span cross channel from site, email, editorial articles, blogs and social. Helping spark new ideas for both small and large businesses alike and driving sales for Vistaprint offerings and products.

”The three you need” is a use case where a goal is described that is relevant to a specific season, market or industry and outlines the top three products that are best suited for the job.

”Marketing must haves” leverages a real small business owner to highlight their products. They serve as a brand ambassador and share how they use said products.

”One small thing/Get the look” inspires Vistaprint customers with intuitive ways they can make a difference to their business by improving sales through small nuanced branding and product.


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